Only of few of our great crew after a hard day of work!
Photo features : Jared Constantinou, Michael Armstrong, Rodrigo Zeledon, and Dennis Scruggs.

Scruggs Electric Team -
Photo features: Jared Constantinou, Ernesto Rodriguiez, Courtney Grant, Dennis Scruggs, Rodrigo Zeledon, Michael Armstrong, Levi Neel

Scruggs Electric's crew of Tampa Bay Electricians-
Photo Features: : Jared Constantinou, Ernesto Rodriguiez, Courtney Grant, Dennis Scruggs, Rodrigo Zeledon, Michael Armstrong, Levi Neel

See us light up Tampa Bay with newly installed LED lights for The Wine Bar Cafe located at, 6428 N Florida Ave, Tampa, FL 33604.

Damaged Panel, Panel change.

Knob and Tube Wiring in a 1920's Bungalow.

Non-grounded cloth covered wiring from the 1950's and the 1960's.

Knob and tube wiring under a 1920's home.

Knob and tube wiring throughout attic, in a bungalow style home from the 1920's.

Outdated Federal Pacific Panel.

Levi Neel, bringing the future with In- Direct LED lighting .

Hard Work is the Formula for Success.
Photo Features: Jared Constantinou, Rafael Zeledon, Michael Armstong.

Can I get Watt Watt ?!
Photo Features : Jared Constantinou, Michael Armstrong, Rodrigo Zeledon, and Dennis Scruggs.

Scruggs crew getting ready for the day - HAVE NO FEAR THE ELECTRICIANS ARE HERE!

Photo Features: Dennis Scruggs, Jared Constantinou, Rodrigo Zeledon, Courtney Grant.

Crew boat day ! Splish Splash ~
Photo Features : Courtney Grant, Rodrigo Zeledon, Michael Armstrong, Dennis Scruggs and Ms. Vicky.

Photo Features: Dennis Scruggs, Rodrigo Zeledon.

Burnt Federal Pacific Panel.

Some of the Scruggs crew at 2018 Christmas party. - Merry Christmas !
Photo Features: Jared Constantinou and Jordan Constantinou, Rodrigo Zeledon and . Courtney Grant, Dennis Scruggs.

Commercial Diesel Powered Generator.

Photo Features: Dennis Scruggs, Michael Armstrong, Jared Constantinou, Levi Neel, Rodrigo Zeledon, Courtney Grant.

Company 2018 Thanksgiving Party-
Photo Features: Jared Constantinou, Jordan Constantinou, and Dennis Scruggs.

When its more then your job, its your family. 2018 Thanksgiving -
Photo Features: Dennis Scruggs, Jordan Constantinou, Ms.Vicky, and some of Dennis's family.

Boat Day -
Photo Features:Dennis Scruggs, Courtney Grant, Michael Armstrong, and Rodrigo Zeledon.

Changing Contacts.